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VA Loan Calculator

Use our expert-reviewed VA mortgage calculator to estimate your monthly mortgage payments, including taxes, insurance and the 2024 VA funding fee. This home loan calculator includes today's average VA loan rate of %.

Your Estimated
Monthly Payment
Start My Quote

  • Principal & Interest
  • Taxes
  • Insurance
  • VA Funding Fee
  • Loan Totals

  • Purchase Price
  • Down Payment
  • VA Funding Fee
  • Total Loan Amount

Calculate your payment

Estimate your monthly VA home loan payment including taxes and insurance.

Payment breakdown

See the portion of your monthly payment that will go towards principal and interest over the life of the loan. The percentage of your total monthly payment that's applied to the principal will increase over time.

Right Arrow
Last Payment
July 2052

As of August 2022

  • Principal Paid
  • Interest Paid
  • Remaining Loan Balance

VA loan amortization

This table shows how much you will pay in principal and interest each month, along with the remaining balance of your loan.

Right Arrow
Last Payment
July 2052
Date Principal Interest Remaining Balance
Date Principal Interest Remaining Balance
Estimated Monthly Payment:
See Payment Breakdown

DISCLAIMER: The VA has determined the acceptable debt-to-income ratio to be 41%, and this is used as a guide in the calculations above. The debt-to-income ratio is a ratio of total monthly debt payments (housing expense, installment debts, and so on) to gross monthly income. In circumstances where the ratio exceeds 41%, the VA automatic underwriter can consider the ratio in conjunction with all other credit factors. Calculations by this tool are believed to be accurate, yet are not guaranteed. Further review is necessary to obtain an exact qualification.

How the VA Mortgage Calculator Works

VA loans are mortgages guaranteed by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) offered to Veterans, active-duty military, National Guard members, reservists and surviving spouses.

To determine your monthly VA mortgage payment, input the numbers that fit your unique homebuying or refinancing situation. The calculator automatically updates your estimated VA loan payment as you change the fields. In the "Advanced Settings" section, you can update the property taxes and home insurance estimates for your specific location. For additional information regarding your monthly mortgage payment, there is a payment breakdown and amortization schedule located beneath the calculator.

What’s Included in a VA Mortgage Payment?

Knowing what is included in your mortgage payment is essential to accurately estimating how much house you can afford while staying within your budget. Our calculator features key elements, including the price of the home, your down payment amount, the current interest rate and the VA funding fee. Check out the chart below for a breakdown of each major component.

Components Description
Home Price Home price is the amount of money you pay for a property, usually determined by local market conditions.
Down Payment The down payment is the upfront amount you pay towards the principle of your loan. VA loans are $0 down and do not require a down payment, but you can still make one if you choose.
Interest Rate Interest rate is what you pay to borrow the loan. Interest rates my differ, so make sure you check out current VA loan rates.
VA Funding Fee The VA funding fee is a one-time payment to the VA to keep the program running for future generations. Veterans receiving disability benefits, military spouses and Purple Heart recipients may be exempt from paying the VA funding fee. The VA funding fee is typically 2.15% for first-time VA loan users and 3.3% for each subsequent use, which can be rolled into the mortgage.

Can I Afford a VA Home Loan?

While this varies for each borrower, VA lenders will generally assess your debt-to-income ratio (DTI) to determine the amount of home they will finance. DTI ratio reflects the relationship between your gross monthly income and major monthly debts. Requirements can vary from lender to lender, but usually your DTI ratio cannot exceed 41 percent. Our VA affordability calculator is a great resource for determining how much you can comfortably afford.

How to Lower Your Monthly Mortgage Payment

If your monthly VA mortgage payment is higher than expected, don’t worry. There are plenty of ways to reduce your payment.

Here are some ways to save money on your monthly mortgage payment:

VA Tools and Calculators